What is it?

SimpleNotify.js is a pure javascript library for sending quick notifications to the users of your web app. It doesn't depend on any external libraries and is very lightweight and simple.


The notifications will automatically scale to fit the entire notification text.

The notifications will automatically dismiss after 7 seconds.


SimpleNotify is easy to use.

First include simpleNotify.js and simpleNotifyStyle.css avaliable here.

Then all you need to do is call the simpleNotify function with the desired message.

simpleNotify.notify({ message:'Hey! This is a simple notification.'});


There are 4 different types of notifications: good, warning, danger, and attention.

Notification Type Demo

To select which type of notification you want to send, simply include it as `level` argument to the simpleNotify function.

simpleNotify.notify({message: 'Hey! This is a warning notification.', level: ‘warning’});

That's all there is to it. Enjoy!

Note: The icons used were made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com and are licensed by CC 3.0

If you wish to contribute to this project please feel free to fork the repo github.com/drewdulz/simpleNotify.js and create a pull request for any updates.